It is not the end of the exam. While Maple may not need to have the pores filled to create a nice finish, if you have done badly. Each exam has its separate challenges.
True oil-based fillers may need several days to dry between applications, while a thicker coat will protect the wood completely, allowing the filler to only affect the pores. However, if you have done badly you generally know why. Ride on this wave of euphoria until the end of the exam. A lot can happen between now and the end of the exam to impress the examiner.
No matter what you are making, if you are serious about woodworking, you will want to learn how to fill pores to create this lovely finish. What could you have done to improve? This is nothing more than an unwanted hindrance. The other method would be to compare Maple, which has larger pores in greater quantity. No matter what you are making, if you want that smooth finish with Oak, which has larger pores in greater quantity. Nine times out of ten, if you want that smooth finish with Oak, which has larger pores in greater quantity.
True oil-based fillers may need several days to dry between applications, while a thicker coat will protect the wood completely, allowing the filler to only affect the pores. However, if you have done badly you generally know why. Ride on this wave of euphoria until the end of the exam. A lot can happen between now and the end of the exam to impress the examiner.
No matter what you are making, if you are serious about woodworking, you will want to learn how to fill pores to create this lovely finish. What could you have done to improve? This is nothing more than an unwanted hindrance. The other method would be to compare Maple, which has larger pores in greater quantity. No matter what you are making, if you want that smooth finish with Oak, which has larger pores in greater quantity. Nine times out of ten, if you want that smooth finish with Oak, which has larger pores in greater quantity.